Learning content list:
- An overview of the resource (This page)
- A description and rationale for the learning theory
- A description and rationale for your chosen learning design
- A description of your learning context
- learning outcomes
- Brief commentary about each topic and activity
- An interactive activity for each learning outcome/topic
- An overview of the assessment plan
- An overview of your plans to design for the inclusion of diverse learners
- A rationale for your technology choices
- Links to each peer review of your resource (Aiden, Zhongjie, and Shaafi)
- A rationale for why you did or did not incorporate your peers’ recommendations into your final resource
- Reference
More Info:
Course Advantages:
What are the big benefits of taking this course?
- Through the study of inflation, we can effectively combine with reality and have a certain ability to predict the price rise of daily life items.
The most practical thing about the course?
- Throughout the course, examples that are closely related to reality are given to guide learners through concepts.
Examples related to our topic:
Online Class: Economics — Complete Edition: An online course site that makes money by teaching all kinds of economic knowledge. (Including inflation)