The reason we incorporate peers’ recommendations into our final resource

After reading peer reviews from classmates, the first problem we must improve is that the link cannot be opened. This problem is very serious because it will lead to the loss of our course content. The modification of the format problem can better make the course interface more concise.

Like all three reviewers mentioned in their reviews, we had an obvious formatting problem in our draft as three page (theory, design, context) which should be separated were written together. This error was fixed: we separated learning theory, learning design, and learning context, and more importantly, added some visual pictures. By incorporating the recommendation from Aiden’s review for the weakness, this move does enhance the overall readability of these contents.

We also incorporated some recommendations from Zhongjie (Jack). He suggested using some concepts covered in this class, such as the definition of cognitivism and how it is related to our learning resource. In the modification, we added the concept of cognitivism by referring one required paper covered in this class. Moreover, by changing wording, we explicitly demonstrate that our learning resource invokes a wide range of sections from cognitivism.